First Methodist Church- Mineola Children's Ministry
Our doors at First Methodist Church Mineola are always open for your children.
Our children’s ministries include spiritual development and fun activities for children of all ages. We offer all programs free to the community, come as you are and provided in a safe environment. The church trains all staff members and volunteers who work with children in Safe Sanctuary practices.

HIS Kids Ministry
HIS KIDS is our mission…We are the missionaries!
The HIS KIDS mission follows the Scriptural message, “Train up a child in the way they should go, & even when they are old, they will never depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
This after school ministry teaches Christian values and character development to 1st–5th graders to give children a positive spiritual direction for their journey through life. We teach about God and his love for them with Bible lessons, activities, music and snacks. The HIS KIDS program achieves our FMC (First Methodist Church) mission, “Loving God, Sharing Faith & Serving Neighbors.”
Many children in the Mineola community do not attend a home church; that’s ok, we’re here to help families raise faithful, spiritual servants of the Lord because that makes our community a better place to live.

First Methodist vans bring children to the church from Mineola/Alba/Golden schools. Students arrive, enjoy a snack, study their Bible lesson, sing in music class and make a craft to reinforce their Bible message. 1st & 2nd graders learn about PRAYER: WHO we pray to, WHAT we pray for, WHEN we pray, WHERE we pray & WHY we pray. 3rd graders are introduced to the Bible, who wrote it, what it means to us, why we read it and how it helps us. At the end of our spring semester 3rd grade students receive their own hardbound Adventure Bible. 4th graders learn the books of the Bible and find Scripture to answer some of the challenges they face. 5th graders learn the authors of the Bible, locate Scripture, study Genesis, learn Bible facts, and learn about the Bible’s application to their lives. There is a program and dinner for parents, relatives and friends on each Spring on the last day of HIS Kids.
Children's Sermon
This special time during church service gives children the opportunity to participate and learn God’s word as it applies to their lives.